Today I'm sharing how a few clients are taking small actions towards reaching their goals. With each action taken they are practicing making healthy simple in their own lives. Though these steps may seem small, I know that for each of them it has resulted in becoming more of who they want to be. We can create miraculous results when we pay attention and take small steps forward.
Kelly said: "I finally threw away all the candy in my house. Then I don't have to have the self-control or will power to stay away from it come late afternoon. I also started ordering lunches from a meal delivery service again, just to make sure I am getting healthy meals that don't bore me."
By setting up her environment for success she is helping herself without having to think too much about it each day.
Vanessa said: "I realized that it helps to have veggies prepped ahead of time. I really like the grab and go lunches and having this prep done makes that possible when I'm between meetings."
She discovered this after I gave her a couple recipes with this idea. She loved it and ran with it, creating a sustainable plan for nourishing herself midday.
Amy said: "On Sunday night I put the wine in the cabinet and said - 'see you Friday' - and by tucking it away I didn't think about it again."
This seemingly small action helps her reach one of her goals - having a glass of wine Friday-Sunday most weeks.
Mia - who leads a very busy social life - said, "I can't start eating the way I want to because I have 5 brunches/dinners coming up in the next week."
We talked about taking a little time before the first brunch this weekend to look at all the menu's ahead of time and map out what she would plan to have. Not restricting her choices, just choosing ahead of time so that she could balance her meals for the week. Almost like meal planning - restaurant style 😉
I hope this gives you a bit of inspiration (and possibly new ideas) as you head into the weekend. My guess is there is something like this you are already doing or maybe want to be doing to help yourself feel energized and healthier.
Action step: Today get out your journal and write down that one thing that you want to try to see if it helps you make healthy easier in your world (the smaller the action the better.) Then share it with me. I always love to hear what amazing ideas you come up with! If you need any help or a few new ideas reply here and let's set up a free strategy call to get you started.
Healthy habits here we come!
P.S. Remember, healthy can be simple. Taking small actions today will lead to big results in the future.